Alamat: Gedung Dapenpos Lt.2, Jl. PH.H. Mustofa No.35 , Bandung, Indonesia, 40124
Telp/Fax: +62-22-7215668, Homepage: www.mairodi-training.com


Golden Flower Hotel, Bandung | 26-29 Sep 2011, Pukul: 08:00:00 - 17:00:00 | Rp 7.450.000,-

Syllabus Training

      1.      Gambaran umum Pelabuhan.
      2.      Pengelolaan Pelabuhan dan model modelnya
      3.      Sosialisasi UU. Pel. No.17.2008.
      4.      IMO dan regulasinya.
      5.      Kapal.
      6.      Fungsi Pelabuhan.
      7.      Fasilitas pelabuhan.
      8.      Daerah lingkungan kerja dan kepentingan
      9.      Kegiatan umum di Pelabuhan
 10.      Teknik dan operasional  pelabuhan.
 11.      Port Clearance dan pemanduan.
 12.      Containerization.
 13.      Port State Control.
 14.      Keamanan Pelabuhan dan pencegahan Pencemaran
 15.      Terminal khusus Minyak./Pelsus Migas.
 16.      Operasi Terminal.
 17.      Sistem dan peralatan Terminal
 18.      Terminal /Tanker Manajement Interface
 19.      Manajemen keselamatan di Pelsus Migas

1.      Training Module
2.      Flashdisk Contains training material
3.      Certificate
4.      Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5.      T-Shirt
6.      backpackers
7.      Training Photo
8.      Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9.       Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
10.     Qualified instructor
11.     Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)


Capt. R.I. Triyanto, M.Mar. 

Telp/Fax: (022)7215668 atau (022)7814149 atau (022)7215416
SMS Center : 081809600076 atau 02272282252 atau 081322050262 atau 085860263043 atau 085222155409
Email : training@mairodi-training.com atau ptmmsbdg@gmail.com atau  ptmmsbdg@yahoo.com atau ptmmsbdg.marketing@gmail.com

Knowledge Management dalam Perpustakaan di abad ke-21

Knowledge Management dalam Perpustakaan di abad ke-21
Tang Shanhong
Library of Chinese Defense Science and Cina Technology Information Center (CDSTIC)
Beijing, Cina

Dalam era knowledge economy, perpustakaan akan menjadi rumah harta karun pengetahuan manusia, pengetahuan akan berpartisipasi dalam inovasi, dan menjadi link penting dalam rantai inovasi pengetahuan. Pada abad ke-21, perpustakaan mau tidak mau akan menghadapi masalah baru yakni knowledge management.
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia adalah inti dari Knowledge Management di perpustakaan dan mengambil sumber daya pengetahuan berkembang di otak staf perpustakaan sebagai cara penting untuk peningkatan efisiensi kerja. Semua peningkatan kualitas staf perpustakaan dan posisi nilai manusia akan menjadi tujuan penting pengetahuan manajemen di perpustakaan.
Tujuan dari Knowledge Management di perpustakaan adalah untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Inovasi. Pengetahuan inovasi adalah inti dari ekonomi pengetahuan masyarakat. Sebagai dasar untuk pengumpulan, pengolahan, penyimpanan dan distribusi pengetahuan dan informasi, perpustakaan mewakili link yang sangat diperlukan dalam rantai sistem ilmiah, link yang penting dalam pengetahuan
inovasi. Kedua, perpustakaanmengambil bagian dalam proses penelitian ilmiah secara langsung. Kerja perpustakaan merupakan komponen pengetahuan inovasi. Ketiga, perpustakaan harus memperhatikan difusi dan konversi pengetahuan. Mereka bertindak sebagai jembatan untuk mengubah hasil pengetahuan inovasi ke kekuatan produktif realistis. Knowledge management di perpustakaan adalah untuk mempromosikan hubungan di dalam dan di antara perpustakaan, antara perpustakaan dan pengguna, untuk memperkuat pengetahuan internetworking dan untuk mempercepat aliran pengetahuan. Dalam era ekonomi pengetahuan, perpustakaan akan melaksanakan penelitian pada pengembangan dan penerapan sumber-sumber informasi, pembangunan perpustakaan virtual, perlindungan hak atas kekayaan intelektual dalam era elektronik dan lain-lain, dengan demikian mendirikan basis pengetahuan inovasi.
Teknologi Informasi adalah suatu alat untuk Knowledge Management di perpustakaan. Pengetahuan akuisisi adalah titik awal pengetahuan manajemen di perpustakaan . Penerapan teknologi informasi memperluas lingkup pengetahuan akuisisi, akuisisi pengetahuan meningkatkan kecepatan dan mengurangi biaya memperoleh pengetahuan. Isi Knowledge Management di perpustakaan harus mencakup hal-hal tersebut sebagai berikut:
* Pengetahuan Manajemen Inovasi
* Penyebarluasan Pengetahuan Manajemen
Aplikasi Knowledge Management Pada abad ke-21 perpustakaan juga harus melampirkan pentingnya penyediaan layanan bagi masyarakat untuk memperoleh pengetahuan dan mencapai fungsi yang maksimal dan efisiensi pengetahuan informasi. Oleh karena itu, layanan pengetahuan berdasarkan informasi kecepatan tinggi jaringan harus dilakukan oleh:
1. Menyiapkan perpustakaan virtual atau pusat informasi bagi perusahaan, pemerintah, organisasi masyarakat dan lembaga-lembaga penelitian ilmiah.
2. Menyiapkan layanan pengetahuan digital.
3. Digitalisasi sumber daya perpustakaan.
Manajemen sumber daya manusia menganggapnya sebagai titik dasar untuk melatih kualitas bakat tinggi dan khusus untuk merevitalisasi usaha perpustakaan. Dalam prakteknya, kita harus membayar perhatian penuh keragaman dan variasi staf perpustakaan 'persyaratan, pengelolaan diperkuat staf perpustakaan yang berbeda dengan menerapkan pendekatan manajemen kontingensi.
KM dalam Bidang Struktur Organisasi, Proses Bisnis dan Kebudayaan Perpustakaan
· Memperkenalkan Sistem CKO. The Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) adalah orang tertinggi yang bertanggung jawab atas Knowledge Management, sistem CKO mewakili tren perkembangan terbaru dari sistem pengelolaan informasi organisasi, dan menandai peralihan informasi manajemen dari tahap manajemen sumber daya informasi dengan pengetahuan manajemen.
· Menyadari mulusnya kombinasi manajemen bisnis perpustakaan dengan pengetahuan manajemen selama proses bisnis reorganisasi perpustakaan. Mengintegrasikan Knowledge Management itu sendiri dengan seluruh proses pertukaran pengetahuan, berbagi, inovasi dan penerapan organisasi, dan menjadi kekuatan pendorong utama untuk inovasi pengetahuan, pertukaran dan penerapan organisasi.
· Membangun kembali budaya perpustakaan dengan menggunakan teori Knowledge Management
KM dalam Bidang Teknologi Informasi
Teknologi informasi utama yang relevan dengan Knowledge Management meliputi: Internet, Intranet dan Extranet; penyimpanan arsitektur; sistem manajemen database; metadata; perolehan dan pengumpulan data; penyebarluasan, pesan, dorong dan tarik; pencarian informasi; berbagi sumber daya informasi; groupware; middleware; pada line analitis pengolahan; multidimensi analisis dan penggalian data.
Selain itu, karena perbedaan dalam arsitektur, penggunaan dan karakteristik antara informasi dan pengetahuan, penyimpanan dan pengelolaan pengetahuan yang lebih rumit daripada informasi. Arsitektur penyimpanan teknologi, teknologi sistem manajemen basis data dan metadata juga teknologi kunci dalam Knowledge Management.
Informasi lingkungan ekonomi dan lingkungan telah berubah dengan cepat pada masa ini. Bagaimana kalangan perpustakaan dapat memenuhi tantangan ekonomi pengetahuan dan membangun sistem knowledge management perpustakaan adalah subyek yang menuntut kita untuk terus belajar dan membutuhkan solusi yang mendesak. 




Almost Running 
Tanggal Training 
Judul Training
4 – 6 Juli 2011 
Project Cost Estimation 
IDR  4.750.000 (earlybird)
18 – 22 Juli 2011 
Well Completion and Work Over
IDR 7.750.000
4 – 8 Juli 2011
Cathodic Protection for Onshore and Offshore Structure 
IDR  7.750.000 (earlybird 
25 – 28 Juli 2011
Refraktory and Heat Insulation 
IDR  7.000.000 (earlybird
11 – 14 Juli 2011


IDR  7.000.000 (earlybird
19 – 22 september 2011


IDR  5.750.000 (earlybird



a.     18 - 20 July 2011
b.     3 - 5 October 2011
c.     21 - 23 November 2011
1.      Rp 5.750.000/person (full fare)  or
2.      Rp 5.500.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
3.      Rp 5.250.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)

Venue : Hotel golden flower, Bandung



The Participants will understand and aware the importants of hygiene and sanitation that’s why they have to learn :
  1. Sanitation Definition
  2. General Objectives of Sanitation
  3. Garbage System
  4. Sanitation in Catering Activities
  5. Food Hygiene
  6. Food Sanitation
§  presentation
§  Discussion
§  Question and Answer
After completing the course, the participants of Culinary Training Course will be expected to be able to :
  1. Describe the definition and function of Total Quality Service to internal customers
  2. To explain 5 dimentions of Quality Service as supporting staff
  3. To demonstrate how to behave when delivering quality service in order to meet to internal customer’s high service standars
  4. To explain the definition of moment of truth when delivering quality service to internal customers
  5. To explain the function of moment of truth in delivering quality service
  6. To draw the internal cycle of quality service in the catering section
  7. To explain the structure of menu, types of menu, special fuction menu, types of menu according to meal time, factors affecting the menu preparation and techniques of menu writing
  8. To prepare cooking equipments and utensils needed for the effective operation in catering section
  9. To explain some principles of selecting commodities to obtain the high standard of cooking preparation
  10. To explain and demonstrate the preparation of food dishes related to the section he/she in charge : vegetables cutting, cooking methods, butchering, preparing basic sauce needed for the daily operation of kitchen section
  11. To taste and check the kitchen products before serving to meet the”standard recipes, standard portion and standard presentation” of the company

§  Lecturing and presentation
§  Discussion
§  Learning by doing
§  Role Playing
§  Practice in Hotel
1.      General service supervisor/ superintendent/ manager
2.      Camp service or township supervisor/ superintendent/ manager
3.      Field operation supervisor/ superintendent/ manager
4.      Logistic supervisor/ superintendent/ manager
5.      Staff who deals or takes care and involve in contract of accommodation and catering services
6.      Everybody or professional who wants to broaden knowledge or gain benefit from this course
Teddy Lukman, S.Sos was graduate from National Hotel Institute Bandung (NHI) in 1978. In practical he had experience at Ramada Hotel in Frankfurt Germany 1989, and as Manager at Sari Ater Hotel 1986. Currently he is teaching Hotel Management System at National Hotel Institute in Bandung. He is very familiar for the hotel management software like Prolog Hospitality System, HIS AS-400 IBM, Maxial, MYOH and Fidelo. Instead of lecturer he also give in-house training in hotel management system at four-star and five-star hotels in Indonesia.
Drs. Suseno Kardigantara, MM.Par is graduated from National Hotel Institute Bandung in 1978 majoring in hotel and catering management. He has totally more than 20 years working experience in practical and education at local and international hotel, restaurant, cruiseship and catering business institution in Japan, Switzerland and Holland. He is the instructor and speaker for many public and in-house training or seminar, i.e.: European Cuisine Processing, License for Japanese Cuisine, Hygiene Catering, Restorant Certificate at Les_Restaurant Du Palais De Beaulie-Laussane Switzerland, Marina Hotel Operation at Holland American Line Teaching Method Certificate Indonesia & Swiss Government, etc.  With his mature experience in practical hotel and catering service management he is trusted to become Advisor of Bandung Chef Association, Coordinator Development of Japanese Cook Association, Coordinator Development of Indonesia Profesional Cook and Chef  and Consultant for tourism, hotel, restaurant and catering. Instead of senior lecture at NHI Bandung, he actively publishes papers of research in hotel, tourism and restorant management.

Petroleum Engineering - A Basic Introduction

Petroleum Engineering is a technical field that deals with exploration of crude oil and natural gas reserves. It is a very diverse field and also very complicated and is hence divided into several sub branches like geological, reservoir drilling, production as well as construction engineering. The field initially begins with locating mines and determining the site and excavating technique for optimum recovery. For this the Petroleum engineering department works closely with geologists as well as geo physicists for complete evaluation of and completion of the extraction process.

As mentioned there are several specialization fields in Petroleum Engineering hence each department has its specifications. The reservoir engineers along with petro physicists and geological engineers determine the kind of drilling action that needs to be employed. Also they assess the production rate which includes the barrels or the cubic feet of gas that can be excavated in a day. Another important work of this department of petroleum engineering is to estimate the production that can be anticipated form the reservoir.

Next is the job of the drilling engineers who have the responsibility of efficient penetration for maximum recovery of oil and natural gas. A steel casing is generally cemented above the reservoir. They also take care of the fluid that is continuously circulated through the drill pipe. The production engineer solves query of other departments. Their job is to execute plans for completion of the well and optimum extraction of oil and natural gas. They take care of the perforation that is done to the casing and that goes inside the reservoir, along with an appropriate pumping technique and storage facility. The petroleum engineers also need to work along with civil engineers for construction of offshore platforms. Some of the major oil reservoirs of the world are stationed in the middle of the sea and for that a very sturdy platform needs to be made for proper extraction.
Since oil is such a scarce naturally existing commodity and its demand is too high and this leads to regular research for discovering new oil fields and well. Petroleum engineers along with research teams take care of this research work as well. Advanced computing is extensively used in petroleum engineering; graphics are used for determining the exploration. Geological computing helps in determining cross section balancing, installation and modeling. A graphical model of excavation is generated with the help geophysical computing.
Petroleum engineering is a complicated technical field and it's reported to be the highest paid engineering field. The two main areas of this engineering field are oil exploration and processing and secondly refining and distribution. Oil which is the most important economic commodity in today's world and any change in oil price is reflected in almost all the auxiliary fields. After excavation oil is collected in containers where refining takes place, and from there it's transported through pipelines to large vessel chips and shipped to different parts of the world. Each time the processed oil enters and leaves the pipeline it is checked and if there is a problem in the result it is sent back to the reservoir.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5877382

info training bulan juli

Pekan I
1.      Project Management ( 4-8 )
Pekan II
2.      Electrical Control Wiring (11-14 Juli)
3.      Hydraulics Power System ( 11-15)
4.      Piping pipilene system ( 11-15 Juli)
5.      Basic Petroleum Engineering (12-15 Juli)

Pekan III
6.      Pump Selection, Design and Operation for Oil and Gas Surface Production Facilities (18-21)
7.      Air Compressor (18 – 20)
8.      AC/DC Electrical Motor Control (18-21)
9.      Essential Skill for Secretary and administration Profesional (18-21)
Pekan IV
10.  Air Conditioning and HVAC (25-29 Juli)

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